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GabrovoSevlievoTryavna Dryanovo
St. Nikola ChurchThe Holy Trinity ChurchThe Clock TowerLafchiev's houseKolyo Ficheto MuseumDryanovo MonasteryBacho Kiro Cave


The town lies on the northern slopes of the central Balkan range spreading towards the valley of Dryanovska River. The oldest traces of human life on the Balkan Peninsula have been discovered in Bacho Kiro Cave. They testify the existence of human life as far as the Paleolithic age.

During the Ottoman domination the settlement enjoyed certain privileges - the population was exempt from payment of taxes against a commitment to protect the mountain passes. Like all other Balkan Mountain towns and villages, Dryanovo flourished during the Revival period. The town became famous for its wood-carvers and builders. One of the most glorious episodes of the April Uprising is the defence of the Dryanovo Monastery.