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GabrovoSevlievoTryavna Dryanovo
St. Arch. Michael ChurchSt. George ChurchTryavna Icon-Painting SchoolThe old schoolDaskalov's houseSlaveikov's houseKalinchev's houseRaikov's houseThe Asian and Africam Art Museum


Daskalov's House

Daskalov's House is an early Revival Tryavna house. It was built between 1804 and 1809 by Dimiter Oshanetsa and Ivan Bochukovetsa. In 1808 the two builders made a bet on the wood-carved ceilings. It took the craftsmen over six months to carve the suns on the ceilings. The suns remain an unattainable achievement of the wood-carving art in Bulgaria to this very day. The house is the only specialized museum of wood-carving in Bulgaria.