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Gabrovo SevlievoTryavnaDryanovo
Aprilov High SchoolGabrovo Museum of HistoryThe Clock TowerDechkov HouseBaev BridgeThe Assumption ChurchEthnographic Open-Air "ETAR"Sokolski MonasteryBozhentsi reserve of architecture and history


Baev Bridge

Baev Bridge was built in 1855 to celebrate a journey the Turkish Sultan made to these parts by a student of Kolyo Ficheto – Mincho Stoyanov. The bridge was named after the mill which once stood in immediate proximity to it – one of scores of mills along the river. An inscription in Arabic on the highest part of the bridge says that it was built with the blessing and support of Sultan Abdul Mejid. A new bridge is at a stone’s throw from the old one perhaps as a reminder of the intrinsic link between the past and the present.