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Gabrovo SevlievoTryavnaDryanovo
Aprilov High SchoolGabrovo Museum of HistoryThe Clock TowerDechkov HouseBaev BridgeThe Assumption ChurchEthnographic Open-Air "ETAR"Sokolski MonasteryBozhentsi reserve of architecture and history

Gabrovo Museum of History

The history Museum in Gabrovo has a standing exposition– Gabrovo and its townsfolk – as well as collection of coins and traditional attire, a “Royal Chamber” and archeological finds.

The first historical collection of 1883 in the Aprilov High School marked the inception of the museum. The extensive holdings of the History Museum comprise exhibits from the Paleolithic period, late-antique civilizations (4th – 6th c) on these land, the First and Second Bulgarian States, the National Revival period and the industrial boom of the Gabrovo through the present-day times.